Saturday, June 1, 2013

3 weeks

Three weeks have gone by since our little girl came into this world! I can not believe that three weeks have already past. It is amazing how in just 21 days a newborn infant can change so much. I am pretty sure Addie is already over 10 lbs. which is 2 lbs. over her birth weight. She is a great baby! She naps well during the day (most of the time) and for the most part she sleeps well at night. We can put her down for the night around 12:30 A.M. and she will sleep till about 5 A.M. They say a breastfed baby should be woke up every 2-3 hours to feed, but since she is gaining weight so well I just have to feed on demand. This means that if she doesn’t wake up for 4 or 5 hours, I get to sleep for 4 or 5 hours. Smile There are some nights that she gets cranky around 11 PM and just fusses for a little while. Her dad is pretty amazing at getting her to calm down and go to sleep.

I am extremely lucky to have such a supportive husband. He watches the baby in the early night hours so I can get a few deep hours of sleep, and he helps me out when I need a break.

Sometimes moms just need a few minutes to themselves… As much as I LOVE my daughter, sometimes I need a break. Just a few minutes to myself to think and to regroup. I used my time to start walking again. It was just a half mile around our block, but it felt so good to get back out on the road. It was my first real walk since having Addie. It was a slow half mile because I don’t want to push myself too hard since I’m not actually released to start working out yet.

Here is a toast to breastfeeding and weight loss. I gained almost 60 lbs. when I was pregnant.I had so much swelling at the end of my pregnancy. From being hooked up to the IVs for almost four days, I literally had an 8lb baby and still gained almost 5 lbs. I am about to break woman code… I was 165 lbs. when I got pregnant. The day before I went in for induction I was 225 lbs. Here’s the kicker… I was 229 lbs. when I was released from the hospital. Why do I toast breastfeeding?? Because at 3 weeks post partum I am down to 173 lbs. I have lost 52 lbs. in just three weeks. Now granted that is a lot of water weight and fluid retention but it is very nice to see that number getting closer to my pre pregnancy weight. My goal is to lose about 20 more lbs. This would put me around 155 lbs. Now that the water weight is gone, I can focus on safely losing the extra weight. I am going to set a goal to lose about 1-2 lbs. per week by exercising and eating right. The awesome thing is I burn about 500 calories a day by just feeding the baby.

It is time for her 3 week picture:


Here she is at three weeks old in her boppy. I set her up in it, and she positioned herself with her arms. She is so cute!!

I hope to get her newborn pictures back soon. I will share them as soon as they come in.

I plan on walking again tonight. It is amazing that when you go for a walk (or run) you actually get more energy then when you just sit on the couch all day. Depending on the weather tonight I may take the jogging stroller and Addie along for the walk.


Well since my princess is sleeping, I am going to go finish laundry and wash dishes.

For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:24-25

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