Addie had her one month check up last week. She was 11 lbs. 9 oz. and 22 1/2 inches long. The Dr. said she was in the 90th percentile for both weight gain and length. I guess she eats well
Sleep is getting better. We are on a routine. Napping and awake spells during the day, bath time between 7-8:30 P.M. Then she eats and goes to bed. She sleeps for 4-5 hours then eats again. Sometimes she goes right back to sleep, other times she stays up “talking” for 30 minutes. Good thing is she then sleeps another 3-4 hours. This routine has worked for over a week now, so hopefully it will continue to lengthen.
Back to running…
Monday I decided I would go walking after my husband got home from work. He watched the baby and I hit the road. After I started walking, I decided a little bit of running would be good. We live in a neighborhood with blocks. I walked the long sides and jogged the short sides to get started. I only did two laps around my block. It felt really good to run again. There are some things I need to fix. For instance, since having Addie, my belly moves much more than it used to. The feeling is weird and kind of distracting. I am going to start wearing a compression tank top to see if that will help that issue.The next day my legs were on FIRE! My quads hurt so bad. I know it was only .86 of a mile but it was still a hard workout! I didn’t realize how out of shape I was until I started running again.
I also finally talked my Hubby into letting me purchase the Nike + Kinect game. WOW!!! Let me tell you… it kicked this out of shape mama’s butt! Besides the fact that my legs hurt from running on Monday, my whole body hurts from this game. My rating for the game is pretty high, with the exception of the sensitivity of the kinect sensor. There was one exercise that wasn’t picking me up. Because the game acts like an actual trainer, it didn’t count my reps so instead of doing 15 reps, I completed like 50! Overall, I really enjoy the game though. Keep on the lookout for more reviews of it.
My goal is to get back to 150 lbs. This is the weight that I was before I got married. Although I am more focused on the shape that I am in rather than the number on the scale. I am currently at 175 lbs. This is still 10 lbs. from my pre-pregnancy weight.
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“Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship.” - Romans 12:1
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